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2018 Heritage Hunt: Answers

1 Where is this boy’s statue?
Blue Coat Hospital, Upper Northgate Street

2 Where is this and for an extra point what name is given to the bridge?
Canal as seen from Upper Northgate Street.  The Bridge is known as Bridge of Sighs.

3 Where is this and who first built the wall?
City Walls as seen from Upper Northgate St.  Built by Romans

4 Find this plaque.  What is the name of the architect mentioned?
(Plaque next to steps leading to City Walls at the Northgate.)  The architect of current gateway was Thomas Harrison.

5 Where is this?
This Thomas Harrison building is at the southern end of Northgate Street and today houses Shipton Building Society.

6 Where is this pub?
On the corner of Lower Bridge Street and Grosvenor Street.  (Plaque on the wall facing Grosvenor Street.)

7 Where is this and for an extra point what is it?
This old coaching sign is on Pied Bull, an 18th-century coaching house, in Northgate Street.

8 Where was Westminster Coach and Motor Car Works?
On Northgate Street, between Hunter Street & Princess Street in building used as Chester Library until 2017. Last used to house a pop art exhibition.

9 Where is this unusual postbox?
Between the Town Hall and Visitor’s Information Centre in Northgate Street.

10 Where are these statues?
After Town Hall Square, on the corner above the almost pavement level Row on Northgate Street. 

11 Where is this? 
A Medieval alley towards the bottom of Northgate Street between Starbucks and Rosies.

12 Where is this and for an extra point what year was it put here?
The Cross outside St Peter’s Church was moved here in 1975.

13 Where was this photograph taken and for an extra point per clock, which building is each on?
Photograph taken in Bridge Street shows the clock on the Town Hall, in the background, and the clock on St Peter’s Church.

14 Where is this clock, on a building that once was a church?  For an extra point what church?
This clock at the southern end of Bridge Street is on what was once St Michael’s Church.

15 Where, later on the hunt, is this clock?
On St John’s Church and seen above the ruins on its east side.

16 Much later: where is the clock with four faces, which was two years late? 
The turret clock above the Eastgate has four faces and record it was erected in 1899 for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee in 1897.

17 Where was this photograph taken?
Bridge Street close to the steps leading to St Michael's Row.

18 Where is this building and when was it built?
Bridge Street in 1274AD.

19 Where is this building?
On the west side of Lower Bridge Street.

20 A post box in a wall, but where?
Two possibilities: on the inside of the City Walls just east of the Bridgegate.  Or in a wall between the Groves and St Johns.  Three extra points if you spotted both.

21 A coffin in a wall, but where?
In the ruins east of St John’s Church.

22 Where is this and what is it?
A model of the Roman Amphitheatre above the part of the amphitheatre not excavated. 

23 Where is this and for an extra two points when was Chester Civic Trust’s Golden Jubilee?
At the main entrance to the Roman Gardens off Pepper Street, commemorating the Trust’s Jubilee in 2010. (MMX)

24 Where did this breach in the City Walls occur and for an extra point when did it occur?
Found today in the Roman Gardens on the medieval eastern wall between the city and river.  The breach occurred during the Civil War Siege of Chester by Parliamentarian forces in 1645.

25 Where is the Newgate?
On Pepper Street

26 Where is the gate that was once known as the Newgate and for an extra point what is it called today?
Just north of the current Newgate and called today the Wolfgate (which was also one of its original Medieval names (possibly after a Viking).

27 Where is this gate?
Known as the Eastgate, with its famous clock (see Q. 16), this gateway leads into the city centre from Foregate Street to Eastgate Street.

28 Where on 23rd or 24th June might you see this character?  One point for a correct answer. Earn an extra seven points if you can find out who he is. 
This is Cernunnus who takes part in the Midsummer Watch Parade, this year on Saturday 23 June and Sunday 24 June. (Cernunnos was a Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth and the underworld.)

Part of the Chester Heritage Festival 22nd - 30th June 2018.

We hope you enjoy this quiz - and learning a little more about Chester's wonderful history and heritage along the way!
